If you have a lot of company over, it can be hard to accommodate everyone for seating. Here is a great do it yourself tip to take a plain folding chair and turn it into a great furniture piece. Keep reading to find out how to have enough chairs for everyone without breaking the bank.
// folding chair, screwdriver, drop cloth, spray paint (2 cans per
chair), fabric (20″ x 20″ piece per chair), scissors, staple gun and
STEPS // 01 REMOVE EXISTING CUSHION Using screwdriver, remove existing cushion from chair frame and set aside.
PAINT CHAIR // In well-ventilated area, place chair on drop cloth and
wipe down with damp towel. Using slow side-to-side movements, apply two
thin coats of spray paint (refer to paint can instructions for drying
time between coats). Let chair dry overnight. Tip: If chair is dark color or smooth finish, apply primer before painting with desired color.
RECOVER EXISTING CUSHION // Lay out new fabric and place seat cushion
face down. Trim fabric along edge of cushion (approximately 3″ from
edge). Once cut, attach fabric using staple gun. Begin by stapling at
the center of each side and then at the corners. Tip: If using a patterned fabric, be sure to align to your liking prior to stapling.
04 ASSEMBLE CHAIR // Once chair is dry, assemble with new cushion and begin using!
For more information see MakeKind.
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